Patient and doctor


Recovery to get you moving again

Rehabilitation at Winchester Hospital

Surgeries and serious injuries can slow you down. At Winchester Hospital, our specialists can get you moving again. They can help you recover quickly and get back to living your life with confidence. Whether you need care for spine conditions, feet conditions or anything in between, our team can help. 

At Winchester Hospital, you see the same therapist throughout your treatment. We believe that having consistency in your care can improve your follow-up care.  

Rehabilitation Care to Meet Your Needs 

We offer rehabilitation care in the following areas: 

  • Balance and fall risk assessments  
  • Cancer rehabilitation 
  • Occupational therapy
  • Occupational hand therapy
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Pediatric physical therapy 
  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy for orthopedic conditions 
  • Post-concussion therapy 
  • Post-joint replacement therapy 
  • Post-surgery therapy 
  • Vestibular rehabilitation  
  • Women’s health  
  • WORKSENSE Ergonomics program

Make an appointment at one of our three locations

Woburn: 781-729-8833

Reading: 781-944-6564

Wilmington: 978-988-6027

WORKSENSE Ergonomics

Ergonomics looks at the connection between doing a job and a person’s physical and psychological health. It aims to improve performance and well-being. Ergonomic evaluations help identify issues in a workplace that could cause health problems. We also offer consultations to help employees prevent job-specific injuries. 

We offer support across various industries and services. These include: 

  • Manufacturing 
  • Material handling and distribution 
  • Nursing 
  • Office administration  
  • Science and technology 
  • Transportation and civil service 

Any ergonomically sound work environment maximizes employee comfort while minimizing the risk of undue physical stress. We offer a proactive approach that focuses on making changes when risks have been identified through engineering controls, administrative controls or work practice controls to reduce the identified ergonomic risks of the job.

The objective of the Winchester Hospital WORKSENSE program is to keep employees healthy and reduce lost work time by providing preventative measures for employees through job analysis and modification of workplace risk factors and employee education.

This is achieved by investigating all complaints of musculoskeletal discomfort on the job for workplace aggravating factors to prevent cumulative trauma disorders that are either caused or aggravated by work. Ergonomic intervention can be employee specific or span a broader focus of a job, department or company.

Our expertise extends across jobs related to computer based administrative roles, safe patient handling for nursing and healthcare, manufacturing, material handling, laboratory, transportation and civil service jobs.

To learn more, contact Ryan Osterlind or call 781-944-6564.


Conditions We Treat

Our therapists work with people experiencing a range of health conditions. These conditions often include:
  • Adhesive scarring
  • Balance disorders
  • Gait disorders
  • Hand and upper body extremity disorders
  • Headaches
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Post-surgical needs
  • Sports injuries
  • Stroke
  • Worker compensation injuries

Services & Specialties

Our therapists support doctors across Winchester Hospital. We also work with patients with complex health diagnoses, including: