Children’s Asthma Management at Winchester Hospital
Winchester Hospital’s Community and Hospital Asthma Management Program (CHAMP) is an educational pediatric asthma program. This free program provides a team approach to managing children’s asthma.
What is CHAMP?
The purpose of CHAMP is to:
- Reduce missed days from school
- Reduce emergency visits and asthma-related inpatient admissions
- Improve your child’s lung function
- Educate your child and your family about asthma
Meet the CHAMP Care Team
Managing your child's asthma is a team effort. Your CHAMP team consists of:
- Your child and family
- Physician
- Certified asthma educator or nurse
- Inpatient pediatric staff
- Licensed respiratory therapist
- Emergency department staff
- School nurse
How CHAMP Can Help
CHAMP can help you and your child learn more about:
- Controlling exposure to factors that trigger asthma episodes
- Collaborating with children, families, health care professionals and the public through education
- Teaching children with asthma to become partners in their care
- Effectively managing asthma with medicine
- Using realistic measures of lung function to monitor asthma
What to Expect During CHAMP
CHAMP consists of:
- Three home visits by a certified asthma educator
- An individualized asthma action plan
- Evaluation of and education about correct use of inhalers, spacers, peak flow meters and nebulizers
- Providing your child and your family with a peak flow asthma diary/asthma signs diary
- Involving school personnel and other care providers with your child’s asthma action plan and peak flow information